What is it about pulling out blisters

Rover Ask questions on April 6, 2024:15:09
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The blister extraction during cupping is clinically related to personal constitution, too long cupping time, or too tight adsorption during cupping. Cupping is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy, which uses fire burning or air extraction to generate negative pressure in the jar, which will cause local blood stasis while the jar absorbs to the body surface. Bubbles appear during cupping, which may be due to the heavy moisture in the patient's body. If there is blood water in the blisters, it is an obvious reaction of damp and heat. In addition, blisters after cupping may also be caused by too long cupping time or too tight adsorption during cupping. Generally speaking, if the blister is small, it can be absorbed by itself. Just keep the local skin dry; If the blister is large, use iodophor for routine disinfection, and then use a syringe to draw out the water from the edge to keep it dry and avoid infection.

Rover 2024-04-07 11:16:06

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