What's wrong with blood in men's urine

keep the countenance Ask questions at 03:55:05, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

There are many reasons why men have blood in their urine. First of all, it is necessary to determine whether there is blood in their urine. When taking certain drugs, red urine will also appear. For example, rifampicin and Guodao tablets can make their urine red. After eating the red heart pitaya fruit, their urine can also become red. After eliminating the above conditions, there are about four reasons for blood in their urine: first, oral anticoagulant drugs, For example, aspirin and PLAVIX can inhibit the blood coagulation mechanism of the human body, causing blood in the urine, and the urine often turns to normal color after the drug is stopped. Second, inflammation of the urinary system can cause urethral bleeding, often accompanied by pain, urgency, urgency, and urinary stones can also be accompanied by severe pain and hematuria. Another is the common diseases of internal medicine urinary system, including pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. Fourth, blood in urine of unknown cause. Regardless of the cause of blood in urine, routine examination must be carried out in the hospital. Routine urine examination, urinary B-ultrasound, CT examination, intravenous pyelography must be regularly observed to see whether there is still blood in the urine, and whether there are stones or tumors.

keep the countenance 2024-04-07 11:55:46

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