How to Treat Bladder Meridian Pain

True and false happiness Ask questions at 11:05:06 on April 3, 2024
Recommended answer

There are many meridians in the human body, the most important of which is the Bladder Meridian. The Bladder Meridian plays a normal role and can remove toxins from the body. If the Bladder Meridian is blocked, the pathway of toxins will be affected. It can be treated by acupuncture, massage, massage, cupping and other methods. Most of the points of the Bladder Meridian are distributed on the back of the human body and the back of the legs. Stimulating these points can dredge the meridians, promote blood circulation, and also promote metabolism. After the meridians are unblocked, the Bladder Meridian can play a normal role, and the pain caused by the blockage of the Bladder Meridian will also be alleviated.

True and false happiness 2024-04-07 11:54:16

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