What's with itchy throat and a little phlegm

Heartbeat in Tokyo Ask questions at 19:59:47 on April 4, 2024
Recommended answer

The throat is itchy with phlegm, which may be caused by chronic tonsillitis, chronic pharyngitis or tonsillar stones. Chronic pharyngitis can cause itching, dry throat, sore throat, cough, phlegm, etc. It is often caused by repeated attacks of acute pharyngitis, or it may be caused by the stimulation of inflammatory secretions of the upper respiratory tract. Gastroesophageal reflux and gastric acid stimulation are also a cause of chronic pharyngitis, and the treatment is mainly Chinese medicine and local treatment. Chronic tonsillitis is often caused by repeated attacks of acute tonsillitis. Chronic tonsillitis can cause foreign body sensation, pharyngeal itching and phlegm in the pharynx. The impact of chronic tonsillitis is to form lesions and cause systemic complications. If necessary, surgery can be performed. Tonsil stones are caused by the long-term stimulation of inflammation, which can cause pharyngeal itching and phlegm. You can rinse your mouth with normal saline. If the symptoms are serious, you can consider tonsillectomy.

Heartbeat in Tokyo 2024-04-07 12:05:18

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