What's wrong with dark menstruation

Lost Birds Return to the Forest Ask on 2024-03-29 06:17:49
Recommended answer

There are several measurement indicators for menstruation, specifically as follows: 1. Menstrual cycle. Menstruation should have a fixed menstrual cycle, for example, the normal menstrual cycle is about 28-30 days. 2. Menstrual period, that is, the duration of menstruation. The normal menstrual period is 3-7 days. Menstruation that lasts less than 3 days is too short. Menstruation that lasts more than 7 days is too long. 3. The normal amount of menstruation is 20-70ml, less than 20ml is called menorrhagia, and more than 70ml is called menorrhagia. If the patient's menstruation appears little and dark, it is usually because the amount of menstruation is too little. Due to a small amount of endometrial exfoliation, the blood in the vagina is oxidized, and there is a black like change. It is shown that the menstruation appears drops of dark brown, and the amount is very small. The reason for its formation is that the hormone level is too low. Because the estrogen and progesterone levels that may be secreted by the ovary after ovulation are too low, the endometrium is proliferating and very thin, but it does not lead to the normal hyperplasia of the endometrium and changes in the secretory phase, which will lead to less and dark menstruation. In addition, the level of estrogen and progesterone secreted by the ovary is normal, but the endometrium is not affected by the hormone secreted by the ovary, which causes exfoliative changes. This can happen because the endometrium is too thin or damaged. The thin and damaged endometrium is mainly due to too many induced abortions, or curettage Too many times of uterine cleansing lead to damage of endometrium. When endometrium becomes thinner, it will not periodically thicken and fall off under the change of hormone level, forming a normal amount of menstruation, but will appear less and dark. Therefore, it is suggested that such patients should go to the gynaecological clinic for hormone level measurement and endometrial thickness measurement under B-ultrasound to further diagnosis and treatment.

Lost Birds Return to the Forest 2024-04-01 16:54:17

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