What are the causes of neck acne

Be destined to meet Ask on April 2, 2024 00:23:17
Recommended answer

Acne on the neck may be caused by certain inflammatory reaction of some hair follicles and sebaceous glands in the neck. Acne vulgaris mainly occurs in teenagers, which is mainly related to excessive oil secretion. A large amount of sebum secretion and elimination of obstacles are easy to cause bacterial infection. Local scratching or scratching, or because the patient has eaten some spicy and stimulating food, may induce local inflammatory reaction, causing the occurrence of acne. At ordinary times, local cleaning should be paid attention to. Those with more oil can be cleaned with sulfur yellow soap, and anti-inflammatory treatment can be carried out in a timely manner. For example, local anti-inflammatory treatment can be carried out by externally applying fusidic acid cream or mupirocin cream.

Be destined to meet 2024-04-07 11:14:00

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