How to deal with capillary hemorrhage caused by hypertension

Walk with ease Ask questions at 21:39:48 on March 26, 2024
Recommended answer

Capillary hemorrhage caused by hypertension can be treated by applying antihypertensive drugs and improving head CT examination. The specific analysis is as follows: n1. It is necessary to improve ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, evaluate the fluctuation of blood pressure, and select appropriate antihypertensive drugs according to the results of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to reduce the risk of capillary rupture and bleeding. \N2. Improve the head CT examination. In case of intracranial capillary rupture and hemorrhage, the head CT should be improved to understand the location and volume of hemorrhage, and evaluate whether emergency surgery is needed to stop bleeding and reduce intracranial pressure. \N In addition, you can take vitamin C, vitamin E, etc. at ordinary times. These vitamins have the effect of antioxidant and scavenging oxygen free radicals, which can reduce the risk of capillary rupture.

Walk with ease 2024-04-01 16:41:13

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