How to treat varicocele with traditional Chinese medicine

Middle aged Ask questions at 09:47:57 on April 4, 2024
Recommended answer

Varicocele belongs to carbuncle of TCM. Carbuncle is divided into acute carbuncle and chronic carbuncle. The syndrome of acute carbuncle can be seen as the syndrome of damp heat downward injection. Syndrome: It is mostly seen in the acute stage and the acute attack of chronic carbuncle. Treatment: clearing away heat and toxic substances, promoting dampness and detumescence. Prescription: Longdan Xiegan Decoction. If you see the syndrome of injecting plague poison. Treatment: clearing away heat and toxic substances, promoting qi circulation and relieving pain. Prescription: Puji Disinfection Drink Alloy Lingzi Powder. Chronic carbuncle. Syndrome of stagnation of liver qi. Syndrome: It is mostly seen in the chronic stage. There is a hard mass on the testis, with slight pain or no pain. When the attack occurs, the swelling and pain are obvious. May be accompanied by mental depression, less abdominal pain, etc. The tongue is dark, the fur is thin or greasy, and the pulse is stringy and smooth. Treatment: Soothing the liver, dispelling stagnation, promoting blood circulation and detumescence. Prescription: Juhe Pill plus or minus yang deficiency and cold coagulation syndrome. Syndrome: epididymal nodule, thick swollen offspring, no obvious tenderness, cold scrotum. Accompanied by lumbago, impotence, spermatorrhea. The tongue is light or has tooth marks on the edges, the fur is thin and white, and the veins are thin and thin. Treatment: warming the kidney and tonifying yang, dispelling cold and dissolving knots. Prescription: Yougui Pill plus Yang He Decoction plus or minus.

Middle aged 2024-04-07 12:03:47

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