Take a deep breath. What's wrong with right chest pain

Thinking alone in the snow Ask questions at 20:38:28, March 26, 2024
Recommended answer

Thoracic pain caused by deep inspiration should first be excluded from trauma or intercostal nerve injury, such as muscle injury caused by trauma impact or severe exercise, labor, muscle and fascia tear, as well as intercostal nerve injury, which will cause chest pain during deep inspiration. The infection of bronchitis and pneumonia is relatively serious, which can also cause chest pain when breathing deeply, as well as other diseases such as tuberculous pleurisy and tumors. When chest pain occurs, you should first take a chest X-ray or CT to exclude the lung parenchymal lesions, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tumors, etc. If there is no problem with the chest radiograph, we should also consider the surgical symptoms, whether there is muscle or fascia damage. In addition, there are some rare digestive tract diseases, heart disease will have reflex pain, when inhaling, I will feel chest pain. First of all, if the short-term observation, rest, and reasonable diet are adopted, there will be no problem if it disappears. If it cannot disappear, it must be treated as soon as possible.

Thinking alone in the snow 2024-04-01 16:52:06

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