Treatment of Varicocele with Traditional Chinese Medicine

I am a cloud Ask questions at 09:55:24, April 7, 2024
Recommended answer

Varicocele is a common disease in clinic. Varicocele can lead to the following clinical symptoms of patients, such as low scrotum on the affected side, scrotal tumefaction, swelling and other clinical manifestations. When patients have these clinical conditions, they need to go to the hospital in time for relevant examination and treatment. They can go to the hospital for a scrotal ultrasound examination to make a clear diagnosis. Once it is diagnosed as varicocele, it is recommended to take medicine such as Maizhiling for treatment, which can improve the clinical symptoms of patients. In addition, it is suggested that the scrotum can be raised, and appropriate local cold compress can also help improve the clinical symptoms of patients.

I am a cloud 2024-04-07 12:03:47

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