What should I do if I often cough in the morning and feel short of breath

Boil wine and discuss the world Ask questions at 10:05:16 on October 15, 2023
Recommended answer

Frequent cough, shortness of breath and panic in the morning may be caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary asthma, cardiac insufficiency and other diseases. Different measures should be taken for different causes of disease. 1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. COPD is prone to cough and expectoration when getting up in the morning, and may also be accompanied by chest tightness, suffocation and shortness of breath. This disease can be inhaled with tiotropium bromide and other drugs. Those with obvious expectoration symptoms can take expectorants. For example, acetylcysteine effervescent tablets. 2. Asthma. Asthma has paroxysmal characteristics. The hormone level in the body is relatively low in the morning, which is prone to cough, shortness of breath and suffocation. The disease can be treated with montelukast sodium, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, and may also require inhalation of drugs. For example, Salmeterol and Carson. 3. Cardiac insufficiency. Cardiac insufficiency may also worsen in the morning, and this disease may require the use of furosemide, spironolactone and other diuretics. To sum up, cough, shortness of breath and suffocation are common in the morning. There are many causes, not limited to the above three diseases. It is necessary to further investigate the causes and treat the causes.

Boil wine and discuss the world 2023-10-16 12:16:45

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