How to treat left hip joint pain

Empty old dreams Ask on 2024-03-31 20:35:21
Recommended answer

The left hip joint is sore. The first thing to do is to have a rest. You can take deep hyperthermia and oral blood activating and pain relieving drugs. Hip joint soreness may be caused by joint strain caused by holding a posture for too long, or it may be caused by hip joint synovitis and joint effusion. If this happens, you need to make a clear diagnosis to see what causes it. Pay attention to rest and reduce activities. Deep hyperthermia can be done to improve local blood circulation, which is conducive to the dissipation of accumulated fluid. You can also take oral medicine to promote blood circulation and relieve pain, such as synovitis granules. If the symptoms do not alleviate or worsen through the above methods, go to the hospital for further inspection.

Empty old dreams 2024-04-01 16:51:46

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