What is the cause of bone pain at the foot

More sensible than before Ask questions on 2024-03-30 20:59:14
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Foot bone pain may be caused by gouty arthritis, degenerative disease, rheumatoid arthritis, fatigue, trauma, etc. 1. Gouty arthritis. If the patient has a clear history of elevated uric acid or confirmed gout, it is considered that gout is the cause of uric acid crystal deposition and foot. When uric acid is elevated, pain may occur. 2. Degenerative lesions. With the growth of age, degenerative diseases such as hyperosteogeny and bone spur appear in bone joints. Excess bone can stimulate local tissues, causing pain in patients. 3. Rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause persistent dull pain, and more serious patients can be accompanied by joint deformation. 4. Tired. If you do strenuous exercise or walk for a long time, it can lead to local muscle strain and pain. 5. Trauma. If there is a history of trauma, it may lead to bone contusion, bone fracture, fracture, ligament injury, and pain. There are many causes of foot bone pain, including bone tumor, infection, etc. If it can not be relieved after rest, exists for a long time, or is accompanied by other discomfort, it is recommended to see a doctor in time and further treatment after a clear diagnosis.

More sensible than before 2024-04-01 16:57:52

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