What kind of pain is angina

The flowers are blooming like brocade Ask questions at 04:52:42, April 3, 2024
Recommended answer

In patients with angina pectoris, there will be dull pain during the attack, and some patients will also have a sense of contraction in the precordial area, as well as oppressive pain, and even a burning feeling; Especially after doing some heavy physical activities, the patient will have a knife like pain; In addition, there will be radiation pain, such as left shoulder pain, neck pain, and even a sense of dying in some patients. Therefore, in case of the above pain, we need to pay attention to it. We can go to the hospital as soon as possible for examination, including ECG examination, 24-hour dynamic ECG examination, and laboratory examination. Combined with the clinical symptoms of patients, we can definitely diagnose diseases. Once you are diagnosed with angina pectoris, you must treat it with drugs as soon as possible.

The flowers are blooming like brocade 2024-04-07 11:07:51

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