How to deal with flatulence of liver cancer patients

Time teaches you to see everyone clearly Ask questions at 13:45:50 on April 7, 2024
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Some patients with liver cancer may have symptoms of flatulence. For flatulence of different reasons, the following measures can be taken: 1. Some drugs that can promote intestinal motility and lubricate the intestines, such as laxatives such as lactulose, drugs that can promote gastrointestinal motility and exhaust such as mosapride and silicone oil, or edible oils such as sesame oil and olive oil can be taken to lubricate the intestines, Promote exhaust and relieve flatulence. 2. Constipation can be alleviated through anal tube exhaust, or white vinegar enema and other treatment measures, which can alleviate the flatulence symptoms caused thereby. 3. For some liver cancer patients with flatulence, they should be instructed to exercise more and take some drugs to improve intestinal flora imbalance, such as some live bacteria tablets, so as to restore normal intestinal flora and reduce flatulence caused by bacterial gas production in the abdomen.

Time teaches you to see everyone clearly 2024-04-07 12:04:27

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