What is male genital infection

Thousands of miles in autumn Ask questions at 13:10:44 on April 7, 2024
Recommended answer

Male genital tract and its accessory organs are infected by pathogens, which is called male genital infection. It includes balanitis, urethritis, prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, epididymitis and orchitis. In most cases, the above inflammation is caused by the retrograde infection of pathogens. When urethritis occurs and no timely and effective treatment is given, the pathogen will retrogradely infect the prostate and cause prostatitis. At this time, it will show clinical symptoms related to prostatitis, such as frequent urination, urgency of urination, perineal swelling, scrotum moisture, and white after urination. If prostatitis is not cured timely and effectively at this time, it is likely to cause seminal vesiculitis, which is mainly manifested as blood sperm. The pathogen will also retroactively infect the epididymis and testis through the vas deferens, causing epididymitis, orchitis, etc. Sometimes the pathogen may spread directly through blood, thus infecting the male accessory organs, and then causing the infection of male reproductive organs.

Thousands of miles in autumn 2024-04-07 11:55:43

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