What's wrong with swollen fingers

Quiet recovery Ask questions on 2024-03-27 14:23:52
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for finger swelling. The most common reason is tenosynovitis, which is mainly caused by aseptic inflammation caused by long-term strain. Especially for the patients who often do manual work, they will suffer from swelling and pain in their fingers. They need to pay attention to rest. After braking for a period of time, they can take hot compress and massage to relieve the pain. They can also be treated with non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Voltarin cream. Finger swelling can also have pathological reasons. For example, acute rheumatism, hyperosteogeny, blood gas deficiency or edema caused by malnutrition should be treated in a timely manner to avoid delaying the condition and missing the best treatment time.

Quiet recovery 2024-04-01 16:46:14

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