Why pregnant women urinate more

Endless scenery Ask questions on March 29, 2024-09:34:44
Recommended answer

Most pregnant women will have frequent urination during pregnancy. Generally, they will have frequent urination symptoms in early pregnancy. After pregnancy, some women will feel that the frequency of urination increases. This situation is due to various factors during pregnancy. First, during pregnancy, women tend to drink more water to supplement amniotic fluid, and urine production will also increase. Second, women in early pregnancy tend to be nervous and worried about the growth and development of the fetus. This tension can easily stimulate women and lead to increased urine. Third, during pregnancy, with the increase of gestational week and the increase of uterine volume, bladder pressure will also occur, resulting in frequent urination. The fourth is the pathological reason. If there is urinary tract infection, there will also be frequent urination. If it is pathological, be sure to test the urine routine and treat it according to the doctor's advice.

Endless scenery 2024-04-01 16:51:18

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