How to treat a cold, fever and cough

cherish high aspirations Ask questions on April 4, 2024 11:27:35
Recommended answer

Cold, fever and cough suggest taking some cold medicine orally. For example, you can eat Baisui granules. Bairui Granule can not only stop coughing, but also be used for the treatment of fever caused by colds and other symptoms. Secondly, you can also take Xiaoer Resuqing Granules, Xiaoer Aminophenol Huangnamin Granules, Xiaoer Chaigui Antipyretic Oral Liquid, Compound Zinbu Granules, etc. These drugs can be used to treat fever and cough caused by colds. Another thing is to drink more warm water. It is recommended to drink about 2000mL of water, because drinking more water can also expel bacteria from the body, take away heat from the body, promote the recovery of the disease, and also reduce the body temperature. The other is to monitor the body temperature. If the body temperature exceeds 38.5 ℃, you can also give antipyretic drugs for treatment. If the symptoms of colds, fever and coughs are not relieved for more than three days, it is better to go to the hospital.

cherish high aspirations 2024-04-07 12:04:44

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