What's wrong with acne behind the ear

A secluded valley Ask on April 6, 2024:27:51
Recommended answer

Acne at the back of the ear may be aggregated acne, closed acne, usually caused by endocrine disorder, sebaceous gland obstruction, mite infection, spicy diet and other factors. From the perspective of otorhinolaryngology, acne can also appear in the ear. When patients have ear diseases, such as external otitis, the ear canal is infected with bacteria, and patients have purulent external auditory canal, they will also have acne in the ear. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, if the liver is overloaded for a long time, acne will occur at the junction of ear, neck and face. Repeated outbreaks at the same location will result in poor lymphatic circulation. It is suggested to promote liver and gallbladder detoxification, not to be tired, overeating, moderately increasing sleep time, so that a large amount of blood can be supplied to the brain, and the stomach and intestines have sufficient time to supply liver and gallbladder detoxification, especially to reduce the eating habits before sleep, without increasing the burden on the stomach and intestines.

A secluded valley 2024-04-07 12:04:18

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