What to do about compression fracture after falling

Love is thin on paper Ask on 2024-03-29 03:17:47
Recommended answer

Compression fracture after falling usually needs to be treated according to the severity of the disease. If it is a slight compression fracture, the compression degree of the fracture is not more than 1/3, and there is no severe pain, it can usually be treated conservatively. More bed rest is required, and relevant symptomatic treatment should be carried out according to the doctor's advice. After about 8~12 weeks, you can carry out slow activities by wearing braces. If the compression fracture is serious, more than 1/2, and there is inflammation and pain, you can directly go to the hospital for inspection or even surgery. For example, vertebroplasty for the elderly can quickly relieve pain, and combined with anti osteoporosis drugs. The relatively young people can be treated with fracture reduction and internal fixation.

Love is thin on paper 2024-04-01 16:49:24

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