What to do with pregnant women's leucorrhea and tofu dregs

Fool Old Man Ask questions on 2023-10-10 02:16:36
Recommended answer

The leucorrhea of pregnant women is milky white, or transparent, without peculiar smell. If the leucorrhea is like bean curd dregs, candidal vaginitis should be considered, and vaginal secretions should be checked in the hospital in time. If the diagnosis of candidal vaginitis is confirmed, standard treatment should be carried out, including keeping the vulva clean and dry, wearing loose and breathable underpants, vaginal washing with Jieeryin, etc., so that the secretions in the vaginal mucosal folds can be discharged in time, and the nystatin suppository or clotrimazole suppository should be put into the vagina, and reexamination should be carried out a week later. If not, continue treatment for one course of treatment until recovery. Because hormone changes after pregnancy, and pregnant women may have gestational diabetes, candidal vaginitis is easy to recur, so it is necessary to check regularly to control weight and blood sugar. Pay attention to keep the vulva clean, adhere to standard treatment and avoid recurrence.

Fool Old Man 2023-10-16 12:16:42

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