Effect of Duzhong Zhuanggu Capsule

Like to be confused Ask on 2024-03-28 08:27:10
Recommended answer

Duzhong Zhuanggu Capsule is a kind of Chinese patent medicine, which can be used to invigorate qi and spleen, nourish liver and waist, activate blood circulation and dredge collaterals, strengthen muscles and bones, and also to remove wind and dampness. In clinical practice, the capsule can be used to treat arthritis caused by rheumatic diseases, poor joint movement, difficulty in movement, and joint redness, swelling, heat and pain. It can also be used to treat the soreness and pain of waist and knee in elderly patients. Patients are afraid of cold and like warmth when they are attacked by cold evil, which is also the direction of treatment. Duzhong Zhuanggu Capsule has a good effect on anti-aging and improving the quality of life of elderly patients. It is best to choose drugs reasonably under the guidance of doctors in clinical practice.

Like to be confused 2024-04-01 16:43:11

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