What to do about neurasthenia and insomnia

No big deal Ask questions at 10:48:36 on April 4, 2024
Recommended answer

If you have symptoms of neurasthenia and insomnia, you should first keep your mood comfortable and try to relieve pressure. Do things with an optimistic and positive attitude. When encountering problems that are not easy to solve, discuss them with friends and family members. Try to solve problems without being too anxious and nervous. For insomnia, you can eat more calming foods such as walnuts, red dates, sour jujube kernels, apples, etc., and also take calming drugs such as oryzanol, Anshen Bunao, Xiangsha Anshen pills, Qiye Anshen tablets, etc. Drugs such as zopiclone and zolam can be taken for difficulty in falling asleep.

No big deal 2024-04-07 11:59:55

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