How to treat acute spondylitis

Black and white cat on piano Ask questions at 10:13:27 on April 4, 2024
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Clinically, acute spondylitis occurs in patients. Most of the causes are due to the external stimulation of the patient's spine, or long-term chronic fatigue, strain, cold and other factors, leading to inflammatory changes and inflammatory exudation in the spine. The patient will feel severe pain in the spine, which will seriously affect the patient's bending activities. In terms of treatment, non-surgical treatment is the first choice. The patient needs to reduce weight bearing activities, pay attention to local warmth, do not catch cold, and can be given hot compress treatment locally, fumigation and washing with traditional Chinese medicine or external application of plaster to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis and unblock collaterals. The clinical symptoms of spondylitis can also be effectively alleviated by using Zhou Lin spectrum analyzer, microwave instrument, acupuncture, moxibustion and other means, or by using a small needle knife for local prying and loosening. In addition, patients can also be instructed to take non carrier anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs orally, and celecoxib can be taken orally, which can significantly relieve pain.

Black and white cat on piano 2024-04-07 11:55:02

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