How to massage facial spasm

Purple Cloud Dream Ask questions on April 4, 2024 00:17:34
Recommended answer

If the patient has facial muscle spasm, massage the facial muscle with one hand clockwise, or relax the facial muscle, so that the patient's muscle spasm symptoms will gradually improve. Patients with facial spasm must go to the hospital for treatment. Relevant examinations, such as skull MRI and skull vascular examination, need to be improved to exclude facial spasm caused by some secondary factors. Some patients may need to improve the EEG examination if it is difficult to differentiate. Patients with hemifacial spasm must pay more attention to rest at ordinary times, and they need to follow the doctor's advice. If the patient is treated in a regular hospital, the drug effect is not good, and the patient can also have surgery.

Purple Cloud Dream 2024-04-07 11:08:26

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