Treatment cost of axillary lymphoma

a powerful and unconstrained style Ask questions at 12:30:26 on April 2, 2024
Recommended answer

Lymphoma is a systemic disease. Maybe axillary lymphoma refers to a tumor that begins to appear in the axilla, and then it is confirmed by surgical biopsy and pathology. If the axillary lymphoma is treated only by surgery, the cost is not too high, maybe thousands of yuan. Different hospitals, different regions, the length of stay of patients, and the cost are also different. However, lymphoma can not be removed by surgery alone, and further systemic chemotherapy and targeted drug therapy are required, which is expensive. According to different pathological types, chemotherapy usually requires at least 6-8 courses of treatment, and 10-20 courses may be required for more. Each treatment is about 6000 yuan, and 70% of the expenses can be reimbursed. If combined with targeted drug therapy, each course of treatment will cost about 15000 yuan more.

a powerful and unconstrained style 2024-04-07 11:11:15

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