How to deal with baby's repeated fever

A lotus lamp Ask questions on March 27, 2024-11:09:08
Recommended answer

The baby has recurrent fever, which generally has the following three conditions, and the treatment methods are different. 1. The patients with fever due to the difficulty in healing the primary focus should actively go to the hospital to determine the cause of fever, and then scientific cooling treatment. Virus infection is the most common cause of repeated fever in babies. It is generally recommended to take antiviral drugs orally at an early stage, and pay attention to enhancing immunity. If bacterial infection is combined at a later stage, sensitive antibiotics should be given as soon as possible. 2. Low immunity or deficiency caused by various reasons will cause repeated fever. You should pay attention to giving your baby vitamins, strengthening nutrition, and using some immune regulators when necessary. 3. Combined with some other diseases that cause fever, such as tuberculosis, rheumatism, etc., it is recommended to actively treat symptomatically.

A lotus lamp 2024-04-01 16:53:15

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