How is menstruation rare and dark

Off key Uncle Ask questions at 03:54:38, March 31, 2024
Recommended answer

Menstruation is rare and dark. In view of this phenomenon, it is recommended that women go to the gynecology department of the regular hospital to improve relevant examination items, such as six female hormones, color ultrasound, etc. If a woman has sex, she should have a blood HCG test, find out the existing problems, and then give the corresponding treatment. If there is no problem in the corresponding examination, it may be caused by the stagnation of qi and blood stasis, deficiency of both qi and blood, or by eating too cold or iced food. Women should pay attention to eating more warm and nourishing food, eating less spicy and cold food, taking more rest, keeping a good mood and good habits of work and rest.

Off key Uncle 2024-04-01 16:54:17

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