What is the cause of tongue blackness

Wife is a pig, don't explain Ask questions on March 31, 2024 11:33:27
Recommended answer

There are two main reasons for the blackening of the tongue. The first reason is the appearance of coating, which is not a disease, but the result of pigment staining on the tongue coating. The black coating often occurs after eating black products such as Chinese medicine pills, mulberry, blueberry, dark chocolate, and will gradually disappear after careful brushing and mouthwash. The second reason for tongue blackening is that there are problems in health. One is the expression of yin and cold inside, and the other is the reason of heat inside. However, whether it is cold or hot, the appearance of black moss usually indicates that the body is suffering from a serious disease, and the more obvious the black degree is, the more serious the disease is.

Wife is a pig, don't explain 2024-04-01 16:58:16

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