How is psoriasis arthritis treated?

Half step vicissitudes Ask questions at 23:12:28 on October 2, 2023-10
Recommended answer

Psoriatic arthritis is a kind of arthritis that accumulates with the onset of psoriasis and all joints of the whole body. Most of these types of arthritis heal well, and only a few can have destructive arthritis, leading to the dissolution of bone in joints. As for its treatment, both skin and joint should be taken into consideration. The basic treatment includes rest, exercise, physical therapy and education of patients on these rehabilitation exercises. For mild and moderate active arthritis, we can take some non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac sodium, nimesulide, ibuprofen and other drugs. In addition, if it is in the advanced stage or in a serious situation, local injection of glucocorticoid can be adopted, and such drugs can be used, such as Ritamethasone, HoloLong and such drugs. In addition, if there is systemic and progressive arthritis, some immunosuppressants can be used. It is necessary to coordinate with the dermatologist and negotiate the treatment plan. In addition, most psoriasis is relatively good after recovery, but it is easy to recur, and dermatological treatment is carried out simultaneously.

Half step vicissitudes 2023-10-09 11:59:33

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