How to deal with allergic rhinitis during pregnancy

One branch stands out Ask questions at 09:26:46 on April 5, 2024
Recommended answer

Pregnant patients suffering from allergic rhinitis are recommended to have allergen tests. According to the results of allergen detection, avoiding allergen contact is the most effective measure. If the allergen is inhalation allergen and cannot be avoided, it is recommended to do a good job of personal protection, such as wearing a mask when going out, and doing some dust removal mite treatment at home. You can even use some nasal flushing methods to reduce the contact between allergens and nasal mucosa to improve symptoms. If you are allergic to food allergens, it is recommended to avoid foods that can cause allergies. If the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are particularly serious, such as persistent nasal congestion, you can use Class B glucocorticoid nasal spray under the guidance of a doctor to improve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

One branch stands out 2024-04-07 11:55:02

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