How to exercise hand numbness caused by cervical spondylosis

losers are always in the wrong Ask questions on March 25, 2024-18:11:52
Recommended answer

If you want to relieve the hand numbness caused by cervical spondylosis through exercise, you can do simple and easy exercise to relieve the symptoms. You can raise your head and turn your head with the rhythm of breathing. When you inhale, your eyes should look forward, your shoulders should be relaxed, and your head and shoulders should remain upright; When exhaling, try to slow down the exhaling speed, and at the same time, do the movement of looking up. When the movement of looking up reaches the limit, keep still, and then inhale. When starting to inhale, rotate the head to the left to the extreme and keep still. When inhale, rotate the head to the extreme right when exhaling, and finally return the head to the right. The hand numbness caused by cervical spondylosis is generally caused by the compression of cervical vertebra, hyperosteogeny, etc., which makes the intervertebral disc protrude and compress the nerve root of cervical vertebra.

losers are always in the wrong 2024-04-01 16:56:08

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