How to Cure Abscess Fastest

A solo Ask questions at 18:20:43, April 3, 2024
Recommended answer

If the perianal abscess has formed pus, the fastest way to treat it is to open and drain it. The surgical incision will drain all pus from the pus cavity and flush and clean the pus cavity. Then the symptoms will be relieved obviously. Wash and change the dressing every day, and wait for the pus cavity to heal gradually. However, perianal abscess usually does not heal completely after incision and drainage. Most of them may form anal fistula during the healing process. In that case, the operation of anal fistula will need to be performed later. However, a small number of people have good purulent cavity healing, and no anal fistula is formed after complete healing. This is ideal, but it is also rare.

A solo 2024-04-07 11:08:22

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