How to recuperate the upper energizer and lower cold

Fish playing near the broken bridge Ask on March 29, 2024-41:06
Recommended answer

Patients with upper energizer and lower cold can be recuperated by eating, changing bad living habits, taking Chinese medicine and other methods. The upper energizer and lower cold are mostly seen in the elderly and infirm patients, mainly due to the failure of heart and kidney. The main treatment principle is to communicate heart and kidney and ignite fire to recover. The patient can see ulceration and erosion of the mouth and tongue, swelling and pain of the throat, fullness of the abdomen, loose stool, cold pain in the waist and abdomen and other symptoms. It is suggested that patients should pay attention to light diet, avoid eating warm food such as leek, pepper, mutton, and try to choose fruits and vegetables such as cabbage, eggplant, tomato, pumpkin, etc. At the same time, avoid staying up late, and ensure adequate sleep to prevent the increase of empty fire in the upper energizer. Under the guidance of doctors, licorice, Pinellia ternata, Magnolia officinalis, Coptis chinensis, Evodia rutaecarpa and other drugs can be selected for clinical treatment.

Fish playing near the broken bridge 2024-04-01 16:39:51

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