Is hypothyroidism easy to treat

Mature offspring Ask questions at 17:48:09, March 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Active treatment of hypothyroidism is good. Hypothyroidism, also known as hypothyroidism, is a disease caused by decreased synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormone, or insufficient physiological effects, resulting in decreased metabolism of the body. The common causes are iodine deficiency or insufficient synthesis of thyroxine. The common symptoms are pale, empty and swollen, indifferent expression, dry and thickened skin, etc. In early mild cases, oral thyroid tablets or levothyroxine are mainly used. To detect thyroid function and maintain thyrotropin within normal range. In addition to oral thyroid tablets or levothyroxine, symptomatic treatment such as oxygen supply, infusion, infection control, heart failure control, etc. is required for moderate and late severe cases.

Mature offspring 2024-04-01 16:44:11

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