What to do with spleen deficiency plus kidney deficiency

Once the love dead Ask on March 26, 2024-19:04:20
Recommended answer

Spleen deficiency will affect the kidney for a long time, which will lead to the deficiency of both spleen and kidney. These patients need to fundamentally improve their living and eating habits, and can eat more yellow and black food. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that five colors enter the five zang organs, yellow into the spleen channel, and black into the kidney channel, so you can eat more millet, japonica rice, corn, black sesame, black beans, black agaric, and so on. In addition, moxibustion, cupping and acupuncture can be conducted under the guidance of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment. The commonly used acupoints are Tianshu, Zhongman, Qihai, Guanyuan, Zusanli, Spleen, Kidney, etc. Chinese patent medicine also has a good effect on spleen and kidney deficiency, and can be taken under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, we also need to pay attention to improving our living habits, not staying up late, and taking proper physical exercise.

Once the love dead 2024-04-01 16:39:54

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