How to stop bleeding fastest

Heart piercing rose Ask on April 6, 2024 05:21:47
Recommended answer

There are many ways to stop the bleeding of wounds. If it is a small skin wound, you can generally press on the wound to stop the bleeding. If the wound is deep and no large blood vessels are injured, bandage the wound to stop bleeding. If large blood vessels are injured and large veins break and bleed, the distal end of the wound can be tied with a rope, which can play a good hemostatic role. The blood of large artery rupture bleeding at the wound is sprayed, and the proximal end of the wound is ligated with ropes, which can also play a very good hemostatic role. Generally, arterial bleeding also needs to be tied and pressurized with bandages at the wound.

Heart piercing rose 2024-04-07 11:07:50

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