How to deal with lung cancer with dry cough and asthma

to end Ask questions at 14:17:58 on April 3, 2024
Recommended answer

When patients with lung cancer have dry cough and asthma, they often need to be given antitussive, antiasthmatic and symptomatic treatment, and also need to pay attention to check whether patients have obstructive pneumonia. Lung cancer combined with obstructive pneumonia is also easy to cause dry cough and asthma. For this situation, anti infection treatment is also needed, and treatment for lung cancer itself is also needed. The dry cough and asthma of lung cancer often indicate that the lung cancer may be in the middle and late stages. The opportunity for surgery is usually small, but it is also necessary to improve the relevant examinations and further evaluate the condition. If the patient can be treated surgically, it is still necessary to consider surgical treatment. If the patient is indeed a middle and advanced lung cancer, which is no longer suitable for surgery, it is necessary to use some chemotherapy drugs for treatment in this case. Sometimes, the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer can also choose targeted drugs. If the patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer have mutations in the driving genes, they may even need targeted treatment first.

to end 2024-04-07 11:15:10

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