Treatment of pneumothorax

Drunken by Red Rim Ask questions at 19:18:34 on April 3, 2024
Recommended answer

For patients with pneumothorax, different etiological treatment methods are also different. According to the type, etiology, frequency, state of illness, complications and other aspects of pneumothorax, conservative treatment or surgical treatment should be selected to eliminate symptoms and reduce the recurrence of pneumothorax. Tension pneumothorax and open pneumothorax usually need emergency treatment when the condition is critical. In terms of drugs, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, antibiotics, and other drugs can be selected for treatment. At the same time, puncture can also help to expel gas. After taking treatment measures, patients should rest more, keep a good attitude, and avoid strenuous exercise and overwork.

Drunken by Red Rim 2024-04-07 11:54:01

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