How to treat drip psoriasis

Blue lotus Ask questions at 03:56:01, March 30, 2024
Recommended answer

The following measures can be taken to treat guttate psoriasis: use antibiotics for treatment. Dot psoriasis is mostly related to hemolytic streptococcal infection. Antibiotics are used to control the infection, which has a better therapeutic effect. If you are allergic to β - lactam antibiotics, this type of antibiotic is preferred; If there is an allergic reaction, you can choose other antibacterial drugs. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment. It can be treated with drugs that can promote blood circulation, dissipate wind, nourish blood, detoxify and clear heat. If necessary, glucocorticoid can also be used for a short time to help control symptoms in the acute phase, but it cannot be used for a long time. The specific treatment plan should follow the doctor's advice after going to the hospital.

Blue lotus 2024-04-01 16:42:17

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