How to treat chronic maxillary sinusitis

Dreamer Ask questions at 18:20:02, March 30, 2024
Recommended answer

Chronic maxillary sinusitis is a common disease, which can cause headache, dizziness, nasal congestion, purulent discharge and other symptoms all the year round. Surgical treatment is an important treatment for this disease. The surgical method includes maxillary sinus puncture and irrigation, which can be used for both diagnosis and treatment of this disease. There is also maxillary sinus fistulation, which is also called maxillary sinus fenestration. This method has the advantages of ventilation in the sinus and restoration of ciliary transport function. There is also a more traditional radical maxillary sinus surgery, which is still a safe, convenient and effective way to treat maxillary sinus diseases. These various surgical methods should be selected according to the patient's specific condition. Don't catch cold at ordinary times.

Dreamer 2024-04-01 16:49:11

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