Methods for regulating hot flashes and sweating during menopause

A gentle breeze is blowing Ask on April 4, 2024 01:28:44
Recommended answer

Climacteric period can produce hot flashes and sweats, most of which are related to autonomic nerve dysfunction. With the decrease of estrogen level, menopause can produce a series of related symptoms. In case of hot flashes and sweating during menopause, it can be treated by taking Chinese patent medicine for nourishing yin and kidney. It is recommended to take Liuwei Dihuang Pill for treatment, and take Guweisu Tablet for auxiliary treatment. To form a good diet habit, you can eat some foods containing estrogen properly, such as honey propolis and bean products. For the symptoms appearing in menopause, we must keep enough sleep, avoid excessive tension, and avoid eating greasy, spicy and stimulating food. You can exercise properly, keep your mood comfortable, avoid excitement, and ensure adequate sleep.

A gentle breeze is blowing 2024-04-07 11:57:56

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