What is the cause of itching outside the penis

Starlight on a moonlit night Ask on April 3, 2024-08:25:54
Recommended answer

If men have symptoms of itching outside the penis, there are generally the following reasons: First, infectious diseases of the penis, such as penis cephalitis, prepuceitis, etc., which are the most common causes of penis itching. Generally, it occurs in patients with redundant prepuce and phimosis. Because the prepuce dirt is easy to deposit between the penis head and the prepuce, bacterial infection will be induced, and symptoms such as penis itching, pain, surface swelling and ulcer will appear. Second, non infectious factors, due to lack of personal hygiene, the secretions of the foreskin and penis head stimulate the penis mucosa, resulting in itching symptoms. In addition, penis dermatitis, eczema and other diseases will also cause symptoms of penis itching. Third, allergic reactions caused by allergens to the skin and mucous membrane of the penis can also cause symptoms of penis itching, such as clothes, bath supplies or drugs.

Starlight on a moonlit night 2024-04-07 11:53:40

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