How to recuperate body fluid deficiency

Fish going upstream Ask questions on March 26, 2024-15:05:17
Recommended answer

The recuperation of body fluid deficiency is generally based on nourishing body fluid. According to its etiology and disease location, five juice drinks, mulberry apricot soup, Qingzaojiufei decoction, Yiwei decoction, Zengye decoction, etc. are often used for treatment of clinical symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that body fluid deficiency refers to the lack of body fluid in the human body, and the loss of the moistening and nourishing effect of body fluid on viscera, tissues, and official orifices, resulting in a series of symptoms and signs. The causes of insufficient body fluid include: ① excessive sweating, severe vomiting or diarrhea, fever, etc., resulting in excessive body fluid consumption; ② The climate is dry, the body yang is too high, and the body fluid is consumed too much and not generated enough; ③ The amount of drinking water is small, the organs are weak, and the body fluid is insufficient. The symptoms of the patient are dry mouth, nose, tongue, throat, dry skin, thirst, irritability, dry eyes, dry stool, etc. Drugs commonly used to regulate body fluid insufficiency include: 1 Five juice drink: It has the effects of promoting fluid and thirst, moistening the lung and relieving cough, clearing heat and relieving summer heat. 2. Sang Xing Tang: It has the effect of clearing away phlegm, warming dryness, moistening lung and relieving cough. 3. Qingzao Jiufei Decoction: It has the effect of clearing dryness and moistening lung, nourishing yin and supplementing qi. 4. Yiwei Decoction: It has the effect of nourishing yin and stomach. 5. Zengye Decoction: It has the effect of increasing water and boating (refers to the method of producing fluid and moistening intestines to pass stool). In clinical practice, drugs should be used under the guidance of regular TCM doctors.

Fish going upstream 2024-04-01 16:41:16

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