How to treat male impotence

I want stability Ask on April 3, 2024:20:12
Recommended answer

Men with impotence need to go to the urology department or the andrology department to see a doctor, and systematically determine the cause of impotence through sex hormone level determination, penis erection test, and cavernous blood vessel color ultrasound examination. It is recommended that patients pay attention to the following points: First, patients need to quit drinking, smoking, masturbation and other bad habits, and patients need to change underwear and underpants regularly to maintain perineum health. Second, it is recommended that patients relax, effectively conduct psychological counseling, and build self-confidence. Finally, the patient needs to keep a regular daily life and sleep more than eight hours a day. At the suggestion of the doctor, use Chinese patent medicine to recuperate the body.

I want stability 2024-04-07 11:55:39

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