How to deal with the insufficiency of cerebral blood supply caused by the compression of blood vessels by cervical vertebra

Don't gamble youth on tomorrow Ask questions on March 30, 2024-11:04:21
Recommended answer

Pay more attention to rest, ensure adequate sleep time, don't look down at your mobile phone and computer for a long time, don't be overworked or overly nervous, change your bad lifestyle and eating habits, quit smoking, alcohol, moderate neck flexion, extension and rotation, and functional exercise, which can be combined with acupuncture, physiotherapy, massage, and hot compress for symptomatic treatment. If the symptoms are not alleviated, it is recommended to go to the neurology department of the hospital for head CT, head MRI, blood vessel examination and magnetic resonance examination of the cervical spine, to clarify the situation of the cervical spine, brain tissue and blood vessels, and to carry out targeted treatment. Drugs such as nourishing nerves, improving circulation, activating blood circulation, regulating lipid and stabilizing plaque can be used.

Don't gamble youth on tomorrow 2024-04-01 16:58:09

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