How to deal with puerperal anal fissure bleeding

The south branch is warm and the north branch is cold Ask on March 31, 2024-03:37:03
Recommended answer

When the parturient has anal fissure bleeding, she needs to go to the general surgery department and anorectal surgery department of the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible. Conservative treatment is usually required, which can be combined with medication hip bath treatment. The diluted warm potassium permanganate water or traditional Chinese medicine preparations are mostly used as the sitting bath solution. Generally, the sitting bath is twice a day, divided into morning and evening, 10-15 minutes each time. Try not to eat too spicy food, nor pickled food, nor food that is difficult to digest and easy to form hard stool, such as dried vegetables, dried mushrooms, dried beans, etc., because the above food may form severe constipation, which will further aggravate anal fissure. However, if the conservative treatment is ineffective and the patient has severe pain, it is necessary to improve relevant examinations for surgical treatment, and the specific treatment plan can be consulted with the competent physician.

The south branch is warm and the north branch is cold 2024-04-01 16:47:28

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