How to treat hepatic hemangioma in children

Wandering Heart Ask on April 1, 2024-23:03:52
Recommended answer

Children with hepatic hemangioma, if the diameter of the tumor is less than three centimeters, do not need special treatment, only need to review the B-ultrasound every six months. Because children like to run, jump or often have PE classes during school. If the diameter of the tumor is more than 5 cm, the above excessive activities should be avoided as far as possible. If the patient has symptoms, enucleation of hepatic hemangioma or partial hepatectomy is recommended. However, for a tumor of 10 cm in diameter is likely to cause spontaneous rupture and bleeding of hepatic hemangioma, it is generally recommended to perform preventive enucleation of hepatic hemangioma. One thing to be reminded is that the diagnosis of hepatic hemangioma needs to be combined with whether the patient has a history of hepatitis and the determination of alpha fetoprotein. Malignant tumors such as liver cancer should be excluded.

Wandering Heart 2024-04-07 12:05:14

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