How to treat cervical erosion of 2 degrees best

Begonia fragrance Ask questions at 16:42:53, March 25, 2024
Recommended answer

As for how to treat the second degree cervical erosion, it is usually necessary to consider the individual conditions, and cannot be generalized. Because the causes of cervical erosion are different due to different individual conditions, the treatment methods will be different. Generally, if the patient has no obvious symptoms and the cervical cancer screening TCT and HPV are normal, the cervical erosion II usually does not need treatment. However, if cervical erosion is combined with contact bleeding, abdominal pain and other symptoms, vaginal medication can be used, or physical treatment of the cervix can be done, such as the Lipper knife of the cervix or infrared treatment of the cervix. In addition, if TCT and HPV are positive, further colposcopy should be checked, and the next treatment plan should be determined according to the colposcopy.

Begonia fragrance 2024-04-01 16:42:35

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